Mobile Number Portability

This process enables customers to retain their existing telephone numbers when switching between service providers, applicable to both personal and business mobile numbers, virtual phone numbers, and landlines. By law, customers are entitled to transfer their mobile numbers between providers at no cost, as frequently as they desire.

MNP Process Explained

  1. Initiating a Porting Request

    A user desiring to change their service provider begins by submitting a request to the prospective provider.

  2. Identity Verification and Authorization

    The prospective provider confirms the user's identity and number ownership. Following verification, the user approves the commencement of the porting procedure.

  3. Porting Application to the Current Provider

    The prospective provider formally requests the current operator to release the user's number.

  4. Collaboration Between Operators

    The incoming and current operators coordinate the transfer details, including the number's activation schedule.

  5. Updating the Location Register

    On the scheduled date, the current provider updates its system to deregister the ported number.

  6. Adjusting Routing

    The telecom network is updated to route communications to the new operator's network for the transferred number.

  7. Activating the Number

    The new operator activates the service for the ported number, enabling the user to utilize their existing number with the new provider's services.

  8. Completion Confirmation

    The user receives notification from the new provider confirming the successful porting of their number.

Consumer Advantages of MNP

  1. Number Consistency

    Users can maintain their current numbers when switching providers, avoiding the inconvenience of updating contacts.

  2. Choice of Network Quality

    MNP allows users to select providers based on network performance rather than being locked into one due to their number.

  3. Potential for Cost Reduction

    Competition fostered by MNP can lead to better deals for consumers, who can switch providers to take advantage of lower costs.

  4. Enhanced Negotiation Leverage

    The ease of switching providers grants consumers the power to negotiate better terms with potential or current providers.

  5. Superior Customer Service

    The competitive market driven by MNP motivates providers to offer excellent customer service to retain or attract customers.

Business Benefits of MNP

  1. Uninterrupted Business Operations

    Companies can switch telecom providers without altering their well-established contact numbers, ensuring continuity.

  2. Marketing Consistency

    The ability to retain phone numbers helps businesses preserve their branding and marketing investments when changing providers.

  3. Communication Cost Management

    MNP introduces a competitive market, allowing businesses to negotiate favorable rates and minimize communication costs while keeping their numbers.

  4. Flexible Growth and Technological Adaptation

    Businesses can scale and adapt their telecom services to meet changing needs without changing their contact numbers, thanks to MNP.

Number Porting Procedure

  1. Verify Porting Eligibility

    Users should first ensure their number qualifies for porting, typically requiring a clear account and fulfillment of contractual obligations.

  2. Informing the Current Provider

    The user notifies their existing provider of their intention to port out their number.

  3. Submission to New Provider

    The user provides necessary details to the new operator, including personal and account information, to facilitate the porting.

  4. Completion and Service Transfer

    Following the porting process, the user's previous service is terminated, and the new operator informs the user of their active service on the new network.